diaspora* version released!

27 June 2018

To start the summer off on the right foot, here is a new minor version of diaspora*!

During the past weeks, volunteers added the following notable changes:

  • Work on the account migration feature continues and some technical improvements landed in this diaspora* version. The delivery of the complete migration feature is still expected in the next major version, to be released when ready.
  • Polls federation has been improved
  • Posts cross-posted to Facebook will now always include a link to the original post on diaspora*
  • Emails sent by diaspora* now includes a link to the pod in their footer
  • Armenian locales have been improved and more local languages are now supported

Read more about the changes in the complete changelog.

This list is missing the feature you're dreaming about? Diaspora* is a community project, join the effort! Whether you are a developer or not, there are many ways to contribute to diaspora*.

@Benjamin Neff, @Senya, @Jonne Haß, @goob and @Fla contributed to this release but the special congratulations go to @Hank G and @Alex Tribble for their first pull request! Keep up the good work!


Update instructions are available as usual in the wiki. For those of you who have been testing the release candidate, run git checkout master before the update to get back to the stable release branch.